Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Safety Dance

Political celebrity/imbecile Sarah Palin has attacked President Obama's latest Nuclear Posture review, claiming "we miss Ronald Reagan." Ignoring the fact that Reagan almost got us all killed, he was the first president to advocate the abolishment of nuclear weapons.  His goal was to meet with Gorbachev by 1996 and dismantel the final remaining weapons in each nuclear arsenal.  Now, Obama is only the second president to advocate the complete abolishment of nuclear weapons.  Therefore, as far as nuclear ideology goes, he is directly in line with Reagan.  So, once again Sarah Palin reveals her ignorance and her lack of political and historic understanding.  As for the new START treaty, there is little reason to criticize Obama.  The 1500 warhead limit still provides far more WMD firepower than we need.  A massive nuclear arsenal in a post-Cold War is beyond absurd and a necessary element of final completion of that conflict is the reduction of a complete strategic stockpile [1].  This 1500 limit is similar to what would have been the START III treaty in the 1990s, had it been ratified and not discarded by the Bush administration. What this new treaty does is just catch us up to 1990 levels, and we are still 10 years behind in reductions.  The neo-con reactions can only indicate their warmonger intentions and their continued wish for a U.S-dominated armageddon.

 For more, I turn to commentator extraordinaire Jon Stewart:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Big Bang Treaty
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

[1] I would not push for complete nuclear disarmament in an increasingly chaotic world with renegade countries developing WMDs.  As Carl Sagan stated while discussing nuclear war: a few nuclear weapons make you safer than none.

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