Saturday, February 13, 2016

Jeremiah Blues (2016.2.13)

Reading Infinite Jest two months ago, I found suspending disbelief of David Foster Wallace's view of government difficult, the subsidized time and Johnny Gentle's presidency seemed too far of a stretch.  After tonight's debate I no longer feel that way, I think DFW was ahead of his time a knew what evolution was coming. Not only was this debate entertaining, it showed the potential that the new American election procedure has.  Not only should this group of republicans have more debates they should embrace Trump's lead and turn the entire election into a reality show.

Titled: America's Next Top Real Big President Survivor 2016 : The Clown Circus
the candidates should have to live together, sharing an apartment in Trump Tower, until they are voted off.  Being pure gold, the money made could fund the campaign and the President's operating budget.

On a (more) serious note, it is unfortunate that all the candidates (even less-nuts Kasich) took today's opportunity to call upon President Obama to not do his job of appointing a Justice purely for the sake of partisan ideology.  Telling the president to not fulfill his obligation just because he is in a different party is not only despicable, but an obstruction of the American political system, and quite frankly borders on treason.

There's so much that can be said about these candidates, but in the interest of time here are some quick notes:

Carson: Used one of his few opportunities to speak to claim that Obama refuses to attack ISIS tankers because of collateral fears.  Plain falsehood, that has been the exact Obama strategy since October.  And then there was his completely made-up Stalin quote.  Pure fabrication. Using his limited time to spread lies makes Carson a fool.  Why is he even still in this race?

Trump: He made the most sense tonight, calling out the Bush administration for its illegal, ill-advised and fabricated war in Iraq.  Republicans apparently didn't want to hear this, highlighting the fact that Trump is smarter than his supporters and his party.

Cruz: Such an unlikable human being.  By far the worst candidate, but hearing him yell at Rubio in Spanish was entertaining.  His claim the middle class has been abandoned by seven years of Obama proved how clueless and deceitful he is.  No, that would be the 35 years of abandonment since St Reagan (whose name was invoked tonight more times than I could count.) If any of them were serious in solving the problems they cite, they would abandon their neo-conservativism and pursue a moderate approach.

Bush: Spent most of the time whining about the others calling him names and attacking his family (brother).  I recall this brother being a significant President of the United States, I think that makes him a legitimate target for criticism.  He seems very unhappy to be in this race and everyone, right or left, and himself would be better off if he quit.

Rubio:  Made a good point of taxation, that business can write off investments , but individuals (families) can't.  A good point in an otherwise bad tax plan.  If he would let go of his pathelogical hated of President Obama, and concentrated on positive points, he could be a much stronger candidate with wider appeal. And then there's his complete lie about no lame-duck president appointing a Supreme Court justice.  When was the last time? Answer: 1987, by St Ronald Reagan.

Kasich: Attempted to be reasonable.  It's too bad he takes the time to support the Iraq war and denounce Obamacare (and admit his own rejection of it in Ohio).  If he was serious about assisting the people as he claims, he would reverse these points.