Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Revolution Calling

Obama calls liberal critics 'sanctimonious'

Murmurs of Primary Challenge to Obama 

As Obama is already one of many conservatives' least favorite politicans, he has now decided to alienate liberals.  I'm  not sure what kind of political strategy this is, it leaves a very narrow slice of the population left for support. Who does he think voted for him on this idea of change?  It wasn't the Bush supporters. They obviously liked the way the country had become completely FUBAR. Quick compromise isn't always the best method.  Taking the easy road is exactly that, it isn't fighting for what's best for the country.  Democrats never seem to learn this, and that's why the Republicans remain a force of solidarity.  So now the talk moves to a primary challenger.

As for the Republicans, their behavior over the tax cuts has revealed their true colors.  And they're obnoxious.  Blocking any legislation until the rich get their way proves that the Republicans are nothing but paid shills for the wealthy.  But, one thing is for sure, they sure as hell better not bitch about budget deficits!   No one cares.  But they drone on and on endlessly, proving even more that Republicans do the opposite of what they say.  The rich are not in a situation to need the tax cuts, yet they will benefit more than the lower classes who desperately need more cuts. Merry f-ing Pearl Harbor Day. Revolution Calling.

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