Saturday, May 22, 2010

Martin Gardner, 1914

Martin Gardner, 1914 – 2010

It's sad when the world loses one of the good guys.  Martin Gardner exemplified rationality and the ability to explore competing alternatives to choose the best option and answer.  Unfortunately this is exactly the kind of thinking that is quickly disappearing.  Between the ridiculous amount of ghost-hunting shows, UFO watchers (You do know that there are alien fish-people living off the coast of California right?) and religious nonsense (I just learned from the radio the other night that the universe is only a few thousand years old), the world of the 21st century is quickly devolving into a state of superstitious, gullible Neanderthals.

Known for his mathematical ability, Gardner also excelled when he  pursued knowledge beyond his strict intellectual studies.  His avid interest in magic allowed him to debunk the work of many psychics and magicians.  Religiously, he transcended Christianity, and rejected (at least technically) atheism and pantheism.  His position of philosophical theism may contain the only compelling arguments for that direction of thinking.  Socially, he had a good grasp on politics and economics and defended Democratic Socialism over anything else, including Liberalism, believing this was simply the best for everyone.  I have much to say about Gardner's ideas that I just haven't had time to comment on.  I hope to in the future, and hope the world will continue to be exposed to his ideas to help them stay out of the dark world of anti-rationality.

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