Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Intelligence is a Disorder

This is the only conclusion that can be reasonably deduced, as many online discussions have recently accused liberals of having a mental disorder.  But these accusers are only capable of repeating this "clever" line without delivering any substance (similar to the one-trick charlatans like Levin and Beck).  It is the vacuous thought process of a group of people who have not proposed ANY alternate solutions to anything.  Their only mantra is" free market this blah blah and free market that blah blah".  Nevermind that the free market is what got us into this current mess (that and a little help from Bushco). Since liberals are the only ones attempting to provide rational solutions and not stick solely to name calling, I can only surmise that if they do have a mental defect, it is known as intelligence.

This weekend I saw Sarah Palin whining at the Teabagger convention about the left-leaning mainstream media - that is the media that presented her trite presentation on at least six different networks.  That may be a prime example of irony.  This was a convention of 600 people, but by their attitude you would think they are two-thirds of America.  Why is the media even covering a six-hundred person event?  Amusingly, Sarah Palin continues to provide new levels of retardation to her fellow conservatives.  She defends Limbaugh's use of "retard" because it was a satirical use of the word (obviously her understanding of satire is severely retarded, but then this is a person that had to read her hand.)  To be clear here, Sarah Palin is fucking retarded.

Palin’s Increasingly Casual Falsehoods

The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin XXXVII: Limbaugh, Emanuel and "Retards"
 "And now she is to be exclusively "interviewed" by Fox News which now employs her. And that will be her only venue for scrutiny, apart from Limbaugh, Levin, Beck et al., even as she runs for president. And because she is no longer an elected politician, this game will go on and on. And eventually the lies will become the truth."

This is exactly the neo-conservative method: repeat lies over and over  (like "liberal" media) until people believe it as the truth (even though in reality the media gives Palin a pass on everything and never subjects her to any scrutiny).

But, if Palin is the kind of company conservatives wish to stand behind, then that speaks volumes about conservative anti-intellectualism.  Interestingly, the Tea Party was supposed to be a break by true fiscal conservatives from the Republican theocrats, but now seems to be the batshiat crazy wing of the conservatives, rather than the thoughtful problem-solving ones.  It seems their aim is simply to shift the field so far that Republicans look like crazy left-wingers.

Conversely, Jon Stewart may be the smartest person in the American public.  He at least knows what a narrative is, and is able to easily and articulately defend criticism.  He should win an award for getting O'Reilly to shut up.  Furthermore, his criticism of Obama being too friendly and cooperative is spot on.

Please note that any name calling in this post is purely Palinian satire.

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