Friday, October 17, 2008

Hey Joe

So now the Republicans have a new poster-boy - "Joe the Plumber". But, Joe's not that smart: he doesn't seem to understand the difference between business income and personal income, nor does he seem to have the creativity to see that a business owner can find other ways of paying himself than a salary, in order to avoid a $250,000 income. But, more importantly, he wants to keep America a democracy and not a socialist country. This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of government and economics. They are not mutually exclusive.

Of course, the right- notably Ingraham, has already anticipated my criticism and accused the "elite" left of considering Joe too dumb, when he is in fact just average - and that's preferable to smart. But, this just reinforces my suspicion that the right really is anti-intellectual. Rather than educate people on this issues, they would rather everybody vote as mindless sheep. Just look at the recent uproar over the "Obama Flag," which was amazingly not a symbol of his planned authoritarian takeover of the US, but was in fact the state flag of Ohio. This is not a group of people who would earn my faith to lead humanity into the future.

Tonight I see that my representative - Michelle Bachmann is accusing Obama of being anti-American and won't ackowledge that liberals are not anti-American. How the hell did she get elected? At least someone called her out and suggested that her thoughts are dangerous and might lead to neo-facism and neo-McCarthyism.

The right seems to be realizing their defeat. O'Reilly is now saying that its over and seems to have some somber resignation, while Ingraham has just gone of the deep end and is making even less sense than before.

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