Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Idiot Bastard Song

Fred Thompson is an idiot. No question about it (after all, he was in Iron Eagle III) , he should have stayed on Law & Order. Now he's whining that the attacks on Sarah Palin are the most intense in history. I could easily name dozens of political figures in the last tewnty years that have had it worse. But, of course, the "liberal" media keeps bringing up attacks on Palin over and over again. Or - maybe, the conservatives are making sure this story keeps coming up in order to create "news" that keeps the media busy - too busy to discuss the real issues or allow Obama to get any air time. These "attacks" on Palin are the best thing to happen to the Republicans in this campaign. No one is discussing Palin's situation more than the right-wing scumbags on Fox News and abhorrent media outlets like KTLK.

But, as for how important their opinions are, I'll quote Craig DeLancey from U2 and Philosophy:

"I'm confident that none of these four men [from U2] knows much about political economics, about civil rights history, or labor history, about AIDS vectors or conflict resolution. But I'm also confident that the people I see talking about those things on TV don't know much about them either, and those people on TV are being paid a wage to say what they say, or often, implicitly, through self-censorship and the creation of the acceptable dimensions of public discourse, are paid to not say what they don't say. So you've got at least as much reason, and probably more reason, to listen to [U2] as you do to listen to those shriekers on 'Fox News.'" He goes on to discuss authenticity in Rock music and how rock stars can't always be trusted because of their narcissism. "Given that pundits and newscasters are people who became pundits or newscasters because they were obsessed with watching themselves talk in mirrors, and the owners of news stations are people who are obsessed with watching their empires and their wallets grow, this sin of rock stars is not one that singles them out for damnation."

The political personalities are the last people you should listen to for any sort of political insight. They have a double agenda- listen to themselves talk, and get rich doing it. The sad fact is that people listen to them and make them rich while allowing their own brains to be turned into ectoplasm. Forget about killing all the lawyers, let's kill all the pundits.

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