Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Truth is a Moving Target

Things Change. Times Change. It happened in 6th century Britannia when the Pagans and Christians clashed, and its happening now in a new "culture war", and in Bill O'reilly's world "IT'S BAD, REAL BAD". Unlike Letterman, I actually watch Bill and for a long time I've though that he's often misguided, al least when he's not plain wrong. But, now I think he's completely lost it. The world of FOX NEWS is to my best estimation some kind of "parallel universe", as the economy is GREAT, and the war on terror has almost been won by the omnipotent and omni-benevolent President (if only the loons on the left would let us win). The only problem left for America to overcome is apparently much worse than Bin Laden, are the Secular Progressives. Fortunately Bill and his T-warriors are here to restore Traditionalism and save us from ourselves. Bill is convinced the Traditionalist will win. Given that the average age of Factor viewers is 70, obviously his cheerleaders would be resistant to change, preferring traditional views that those of us that actually live in society might not agree with. But that age group isn’t going to be around long, and as a new generation with different ideals continues to grow those members of the previous generation will have to adapt to these new ideals. It is the nature of things. Being a progressive is not a bad thing. It is easy to be a traditionalist when you’re rich and your biggest concern is the redistribution of wealth, which I think is Bill’s real concern.

Currently at the top of his Culture War list are horror movies. Brilliantly, he picked Halloween to attack horror movies and the evils of "the Splat Pack". His guests included someone from Newsmax (an organization less reputable than Fox) and some psychotherapist that believed that everyone that goes to see horror movies has some homicidal maniac seething inside them, ready to come out slashing at any point- a very fair and balanced debate! Now, one of Bills emphasizes is responsibility and coming from an existential viewpoint, I can agree with that. But Bill doesn't think that the movie viewers are the ones who should be responsible- he thinks it’s the movie industry. As the piece pointed out movies like Saw make 100 million dollars, so obviously the public is demanding such films, and fortunately the people that don't like such things don't have to pay $9 to go see it. Apparently it the insulated cloisters of Fox News no one is going to see "Saw 3", which makes me very suspicious of the people who work there. I haven't seen any of the Saw movies and I hadn't really planned to but everywhere I go I know people who have seen it. So isn't this the same old, tiresome, empty, worn-out rhetoric that we've heard for Twenty years. Movies, Rock music, and video games turn people into raving blood-thirsty killers. Left unchecked, there will be hordes of hooligans swarming the streets and abducting every citizen in order to torture them in unspeakable ways. This kind of content must be the cause of an ultra-violent society, it couldn't possibly be a symptom of a society in which people live in poor economic conditions, have a pro-violent government, and are told what to think and what to buy in order to promote the economy that works against them. Please! I've had enough of this! If you don’t want to see it, then don’t. If you’re worried about social well-being, then teach personal responsibility and quit trying to censor content providers that provide the entertainment that many of us want. I’ve had enough of this Judeo-Christian value crap. If Bill’s Traditionalists do win this war, I may have to paint myself blue and storm the Empire’s legions.

Next stop: Netflix. Its time to put Saw I and II into my queue and then I'm off to the ernomo-omni-multiplex to see Saw III. Thanks for the motivation Bill!
Oh, and by the way, if you want to seem respectable and “above personal attacks” quit calling Al Franken “Stuart Smalley”. Everytime you do that I just want walk into the studio and bitch slap you.

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